The Experts in Remote Alcohol Monitoring

The Experts in Remote Alcohol Monitoring

The Soberlink system keeps our customers connected to their support network in a way that does not interfere with daily life. Exploring the Soberlink is a great reminder of recovery, and reporting it to loved ones is no longer necessary because of real-time texts on Soberlink technology.

When Restoration Begins

Soberlink monitoring is a great after-care tool to help young adults in their transition back to normal life or back on campus. This new technology uses portable breathalyzer and recovery management software that makes it easy to regularly monitor alcohol consumption. We celebrate each bad screen as evidence of our client’s continued success and recovery. Studies show that the longer a person participates in inconsistent monitoring, the better the long-term outcome.

The Soberlink program brings real-time blood alcohol effects to anyone, anytime. The appearance of results strengthens relationships and allows timely intervention when needed. Finally, these shared results are documented and encourage accountability.

Benefits of Using Soberlink

For participants

  • Stay connected to your recovery circle
  • It creates accountability and structure
  • Documents Humility
  • For families
  • Share the discovery process
  • It helps rebuild trust
  • It gives peace of mind

How does Soberlink work?

The Soberlink alcohol monitoring device uses face recognition technology to verify your identity during each breath test. BAC results are transmitted wirelessly in real-time via Verizon Private Network to Soberlink cloud-based discovery management software.

Using breathalyzers to get alcohol drunk is a crazy way to get it. Even drinkers can use cheap breathalyzers to check their blood pressure before driving. Since alcohol testing in research facilities takes a lot of time, respiratory supplements provide an easy, fast and reliable way to test alcohol in homes, colleges, offices, and highways.

Monitoring and coping with these symptoms is very helpful in the first week, but some of these symptoms may last for almost the entire duration of the detoxification program. Different medications are used to treat these symptoms, reducing the physical discomfort associated with alcohol withdrawal restores the body to a non-alcoholic balance. These alcoholic beverages should be part of a customized plan designed for you and your mental state. Your detoxification program should be done under the guidance of a physician to ensure that the system is safe.

By admin

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